Stop Doing That

Today, I answer your question about brainstorming better ideasā€¦with a tip from Thomas Frank (2.9M+ subscribers).

Today, I answer your question about brainstorming better ideasā€¦with a tip from Thomas Frank (2.9M+ subscribers).



Q: My videos keep bombing and I keep checking my analytics hoping to get why. Itā€™s overwhelming tbh. Any advice to improve my next upload?

- Sasha Berner (via Discord)

A: If I had a dime for every time someone obsessed over analytics instead of obsessing over ideas, Iā€™d be MrBeast.

Yes, analytics are important. Especially CTR (click-through rate) and AVD (avg. view duration). Both help move the needle.

But finding fresh video ideas breaks the needle entirely.

Soā€¦how do you brainstorm better ideas? Find what I call ā€œpopular problemsā€ in your niche.

Whatā€™s that?

It's a problem or question tons of people already search for. In our interview, Thomas Frank said he uses Reddit to make videos to solve those problems. Itā€™s a big reason he has 175M+ views.

ā€œIf there's a problem on Reddit ā€” that's a real person with an actual problemā€ Frank said. ā€œIā€™m like, well that's actually an interesting problem, let me make a video about that.ā€

On Reddit, do this by searching a subreddit in your niche. Filter by Controversial or Top and read top comments.

Quora is another great place for this. Try this:

  1. Type in your niche

  2. Sort by Questions

  3. Sort by All Time

  4. Find questions with most activity

  5. Make videos about that

Hereā€™s an example in my niche of YouTube education

Another way to improve ideas? Zach Kingā€™s T-Sheet Method, which we covered in our recent newsletter.

Bottom Line: Donā€™t overly obsess over analytics. Use that time to brainstorm ideas that answer popular questions in your niche.

- Jon

PS have a question for next week? Submit in our Discord of 2,850 creators. 


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