Don’t hate me, but…

Today, I answer your question about adapting to the algorithm…with a tip from Smosh (26M+ subscribers).

Today, I answer your question about adapting to the algorithm…with a tip from Smosh (26M+ subscribers).



Q: The algorithm legit hates me. Are my videos not getting views because I’m not always “brand safe”? How do you balance being yourself while feeding the algo?

- Mike Tanner

A: Ah yes, the algorithm.

Two of the best creators to understand it and adapt to it are Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox of Smosh.

I asked how they changed over 18 years…while still getting 100M+ views per month.

In the 2010’s, their videos featured guns, blood, and crude humor — which wouldn’t fly with YouTube’s algorithm today.

So how did they adapt without sacrificing their humor?

“[If] it’s kinda pushing it in a way that could get the video demonetized or blacklisted, we [ask] is there a funnier way to do this that still works?” Padilla said in our interview

Perfect example:

Today, instead of showing something grotesque, Smosh focuses on the reaction shot. It leaves more to your imagination.

The joke still works and even elevates it because your mind may go somewhere more extreme (hey, I’m not judging).

Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen does this, too.

His film The Brothers Grimsby had a scene that was far too graphic to show during his press tour.

Like Smosh, Cohen just showed the reaction instead. 

It makes you more intrigued, right?

That got 12M views, making it one of the most successful promos ever on Jimmy Kimmel.

Next time you’re stuck, think like Smosh and Sacha. Leave more to the imagination.

Bottom Line: Don’t compromise for the algorithm. Use its constraints to your advantage.

- Jon

PS have a question for next week? Submit in our Discord of 3,200 creators. 


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