You're not too old to do this

Today, I answer your question about using “corporate skills” to become a creator.

Today, I answer your question about using “corporate skills” to become a creator.



Q: I’ve been working a 9-5 job for years but I want to be a creator…but I dunno, I’m in my thirties and feel so damn old. Am I too late to the game?

- Kelan Jeffries

A: You’re not too late. In fact, you can use your age to your advantage.

I hear you. I spent 8 years working inside YouTube and Instagram before I made the leap. But in reality, your work experience is a superpower in today’s creator economy. Here’s why:

Lots of talk about the “MrBeast-ification of YouTube.”

Not enough people talk about what I call the “Dr. Mike-ification of YouTube.”

Dr. Mike is one of the first doctors-turned-creators.

With 11M subscribers, he proved it’s possible to turn even an “unsexy” profession (no offense, doctors) into a profitable channel.

That paved the path for others to do the same with their fields:

You don’t need a “traditional job” either.

Milad Mirg (6.4M subscribers) parlayed his shifts at Subway into a career touring and cooking with restaurants around the world.

Plus, you have an edge when working with brands because you get the other side.

Case in point?

I just had a meeting with 11 people from a major brand we’re partnering with. All their marketing, PR, and product execs were there.

They’ve worked with many creators before.

But said I was one of the first to prepare an agenda, assign action items, and follow up with each team to progress the project.

All “boring” skills I learned at my day jobs. But now apply all the time as a creator.

Bottom Line: Use your corporate skills to create and climb your own “creator ladder”.

- Jon

PS have a question for next week? Submit in our Discord of 3,300 creators. 


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