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Today, I answer your question about avoiding burnoutā€¦with a tip from Mark Rober (26M+ subscribers)

Today, I answer your question about avoiding burnoutā€¦with a tip from Mark Rober (26M+ subscribers)



Q: Itā€™s so hard to unplug. Even on vacations, I worry about my next upload. I worry about starting a podcast, merch line, replying to emails from brandsā€¦it never ends ugh. How do you manage it?

- Amari Elmis (via Discord)

A: Watch your treadmill speed. 

Thatā€™s what Mark Rober told me about how heā€™s managed his 12-year career on YouTube. 

ā€œYou could go at a sprinting pace: do the book, do the podcast, launch the merch line, go on tour, hire 20 people,ā€ Mark said during our interview.

ā€œ[But] I've been very protective of my treadmill speed and I've just kept it at a jogging pace. I [say] no to so much.ā€ 

Sure, many creators talk about ā€œfocus,ā€ but few do it like Mark. Consider this:

  • He didnā€™t leave his job at Apple until he had 7M subs

  • He didnā€™t launch merch until 15M subs

  • He didnā€™t hire a full-time employee until after 9 years 

Instead, Mark focused on making one video per month ā€” and now those videos average 31M views each. Thatā€™s brought in bigger deals like a TV show with Jimmy Kimmel.

So next time you worry about saying no to an opportunity, ask yourself:

  • Are you saying ā€œnoā€ or just ā€œnot nowā€?

  • Whatā€™s the worst that will happen?

  • Will that matter in 1 year? 5 years?

For Mark, saying no to ā€œobviousā€ stuff meant saying yes to putting everything into his monthly uploads. 

All of which is crucial for mental health and maybe ā€” just maybe ā€” a tripod-free vacation.

Personally, Iā€™m learning this first-hand as Iā€™ve grown as a creator.

And now, a father to our newborn baby girl. 

I donā€™t say yes to as many opportunities. So when I do, I put my all into it and I think thatā€™s why our numbers shot up with several Shorts crossing 40M+ views each and long-form with 1M+ views each.

Bottom Line: Sprinting in short-term may mean falling off the treadmill in long-term.

- Jon

PS have a question for next week? Submit in our Discord of 3,100 creators 


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