You’re not MrBeast. And that’s okay

Today, I answer your question about comparison and creativity.

Today, I answer your question about comparison and creativity.



Q: I can’t help it but I constantly compare my views to others. I’ve had a few uploads get 100K+ views but then I see MrBeast do that in like a millisecond. Anyone else feeling defeated? Am I too far behind?

- Ron Moore

A: They say, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

But for creators, it’s also the thief of creativity and focus.

It’s easy to get discouraged comparing your 1st videos to MrBeast’s 1000th.

But consider how many uploads it took these top creators to hit 1M subscribers.

  • MrBeast: 469 uploads

  • PewDiePie: 554 uploads

  • MKBHD: 628 uploads

I interviewed Jay Alto who worked with MrBeast and shared even more numbers in this tweet.

Also let’s not forget: today, MrBeast’s team is over 200 people.

But for years, Donaldson uploaded alone in his bedroom — counting to 100,000 or watching Jake Paul videos for 10 hours.

Same story with MKBHD. He uploaded his first tech review at 15 years old. Today, he has 17M+ subs, building an entire team and studio for his tech videos.

Just because an individual’s name is on the channel doesn’t mean that channel is just that individual anymore. 

Comparing yourself to them isn’t apples to apples. It’s comparing an apple to an entire orchard.

Bottom Line: Getting 100,00 views is a massive milestone. Plus, success on YouTube isn’t linear. It compounds so keep creating.

- Jon

PS have a question for next week? Submit in our Discord of 3,390 creators. 

PPS happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrated! Now I got to burn some calories 😅


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